Saturday, June 18, 2011

Interuption of your regularly scheduled program...

OK, so this is not Part Deux as promised yesterday. (I guess, officially, that would have been day before yesterday since it's 12:40 a.m.). Anyway, I've been working on cleaning out my old photo bins and I hit pay dirt today. However, as I found the stash of photos and videos I'd been looking for, a surge of raw emotion washed over me and it has just continued to slosh back and forth like the sea over my heart all day long. (Yeah, I know. Salt water and an open wound don't feel great). Anyway, here's a snippet of what I found. I'll get back to the regularly scheduled program eventually. For now, I've taken a detour.

Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge

Psalm 62:8


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