Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Princess Factor

OK, so last night, my thoughts were focused on Grant. Tonight, it's the girls I'm thinking about. I'm going to keep this simple tonight. I'm not going to whine or complain. I've done quite enough of that lately!

My "a-ha" moment on this subject came a few years ago. It was one of those moments when it was like I was handed a puzzle piece that had been missing from my "big picture" for years. Simply put, "Every female wants to feel like a princess."

Since Annie was old enough to talk, she frequently tells us that she's cute and may even repeat it several times until you acknowledge her and reaffirm her thoughts. (It brings back memories of that SNL skit with Stuart Smalley - "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And, gosh darn it, people like me")! If you tell the girl she's cute or give her a crown or princess costume, she just lights up. The same holds true for Dasha. I can't think of any little girl on the face of the Earth that doesn't light up when they feel cherished and like the most valued princess in the world. (OK, yeah, there's a line when princess crosses into diva and I begin to get a little uncomfortable but I'm ok with plain old princess)! :)

However, as I thought about the girls lighting up at the thought of being a princess, I wondered what was driving that motivation. At first, I thought of the zillions of Disney movies and fairy tales where the princess meets Prince Charming and they live happily ever after. But, hey, Annie hasn't seen those movies and she's already motivated by the princess factor. Then what is it? I sure don't walk around in a crown and jewels and encourage the girls to follow suit. (And, if you were looking in the window that one time I did, keep your trap shut - kidding)! After a long time of dwelling on this, I've come to realize that it's something girls are born with- an innate need to feel like a princess and be treated like one. When girls are little, it's about the costume and tea parties and castles. As they get older, it's about Prince Charming (and possibly still the castle). But, if you follow the progression, I quickly realized that you don't ever grow out of this need. Every female must have this need down deep inside to be that princess. However, maybe someone should just stop me now and tell me to add this to my list of "Things to talk to the therapist about." I admit to being a hopeless romantic and I filter everything through my little pea brain with a lens that reads, "What this would look like in a fairy tale..."

If you have girls in your home (young or old), think about this and see what you can do to enhance their princess-ness. Tonight, Grant was out so dinner was by candle light and we wore alumnim foil crowns. (My budget is a bit on the shy side this month so the diamonds and rubies will have to wait until next month or at least wait until I can find the old Bedazzler with the fake jewels)!

If you've ever seen the movie Enchanted, I admit that I got a little confused that princesses weren't all supposed to be thrilled about cleaning. Oops. The girls quickly set me straight, though.

In all seriousness, so many of our young girls are falling by the wayside for hundreds of reasons. I think one of the biggest things that pushes some of those girls over the cliff is the need to be the princess. Think about it, how many teen pregnancies have happened because someone's little girl simply wanted to be the princess for Prince Charming?

OK, I've rambled on about this way too long and I'm not even sure I made sense. I've just had the realization that my girls want to be princesses and there's nothing wrong with that. It's part of something very special in the way God designed them. However, I've also figured out that I want to be a princess, too. So, when you see me out in public places wearing a way too small Cinderella or Snow White costume, please don't be alarmed. Just tell me if any major body part is hanging out of the costume and kindly help me shove it back in so I can go on my way. Also, if I suddenly burst into song as most Disney princesses are prone to do, don't be too shocked, either.

Sadly, for some of us as adults, we have to put down those princess dreams momentarily to tend to raising the next batch of princesses.


Michele said...

Love you Susan.

You are a princess of God....

Wear your crown proudly.


Christine said...

I was trying to think of one bible verse and came upon this one about our crowns.

James 1:12
Blessed is the woman who remains steadfast under trial, for when she has stood the test she will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love HIM!