Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Serious speed blogging...

Here's the run down in marathon style...
  • My room is ready for Meet and Greet tomorrow. Whew! Somehow, this one-handed wonder pulled it off! Meet and Greet is definitely NOT my most favorite time of the year because it's so rushed and so fake! Everyone smiles, says nice things, and then goes home and can't remember who said what because it all turns into a blur!
  • I'm a crappy patient. I didn't wear my splint today. It really hurts my arm and makes everything from my finger tips all the way to my elbow hurt. However, it hurts seriously after a day of flopping around! I know better than to mess around with this. My teammates all tormented me today about not having it on but I didn't think I was doing any damage since I wasn't out jumping around or doing nutty things. Maybe I was wrong.
  • I took Grant and Dasha for Meet and Greet at the middle school. Heaven help me! That place is huge! All of their teachers were nice (they get paid to be that way on Meet and Greet, though) and no one stuck out as particularly crazy. Although, both kids have the same science teacher and I did recognize his face from the year the middle school shared our facility. I'm terrified that some of you already know which teacher I'm referring to. That's a conversation for another day. I think he's a great teacher but just needs someone to help him with his fashionista side.
  • Grant is a ticking time bomb. Every time I talk with him, he bursts into tears. He can't tell me if it's nerves or something else. (Let me tell you, though, if this stage of moodiness doesn't pass soon, I'm going to experiment with replacing his vitamin with some Midol)!
  • My poor mom did "Annie duty" from 3:00 - 6:00 tonight. When I arrived, Annie was standing on a stool helping Grandma "wash" the dishes. Um, I may have to figure out a way to replace her now drenched hardwood floors. Annie is ready to get back to her normal schedule and was a bear tonight. Her regular sitter just got back from Morocco and called to say that she'd love to see her! I said, "Sure thing! We'll be right over!" I didn't really follow through but I know Annie will be thrilled to see Fatima again! I think I'll take her there on Friday to give her a day to ease into getting back into the normal routine.
  • Tonight, I'm going to be NOW! I'm not going to diddle daddle around and end up in bed after midnight again!
So, goodnight to all!

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