Here's the comic book version of the day...
As the story begins, all of the Super Heroes wait quietly outside the Apple Store for camp to begin - except one little nugget of super power. She insists on making herself known to everyone around!
Annie puts on a tap dance show for the workers in J. Crew as they switch out their ads. |
Once the boys get started with their projects, Annie busies herself with a Dora game. |
When she grows bored with Dora, she tries to invade Dasha's space and take over. |
After a small yet dramatic war ending in a compromise, everyone was relocated to the benches outside the store! |
I do have to put my two cents in on this one, though. As Dasha examined the contents of the Victoria's Secret store front, she asked, "Mom, is that what normal moms wear?" I didn't even try to follow her train of thought for fear I'd end up lost, too! My answer was simply, "Probably so."
Annie spent a good deal of time trying to master using her spider skills to climb the columns. She managed to get on top of the first blocks but didn't make it any further. |
When she figured out her spider skills weren't extraordinary, she decided to try out as a LOFT model. |
When that didn't work, she got her microphone out and started serenading everyone walking by. However, when they didn't stop and smile, she started yelling, "Hey!" I had to end this session of her job search for fear someone was going to kill us! |
I just don't even have words for this one! She got out her purse and marched over to the store front and started modeling. It was VERY disturbing. However, by this point, she had the attention of every retailer in the area and everyone was taking pictures and laughing hysterically. The funniness ended when Dasha tried to get in on the attention and started doing the same thing. Um, not good. |
Meanwhile, back at the Bat Lair, the boys continued to work on their movie. They spent yesterday afternoon in L's backyard filming ninja scenes in the creek and on the banks. It was really cool! |
When I finally couldn't take any more of Annie's antics, I tried to capture her. Maybe it's time for another stroller or a zoo cage on wheels. OR maybe, I should teach her to sit like a lady! |
OK, that gets us up to about 10:00 a.m. Seriously. I didn't think today would ever end.
I finally gave in and called a sitter to come watch the monsters for an hour while I went and took care of some school jobs. It gave me just enough time away to get myself stirred up. As I was dating something, I realized that three months ago tonight, I was engaging in the worst behavior I've ever had. If I had a pass to delete an hour from my memory, that hour would rank as one of the top three for sure. Blah.
When I got home, I grabbed the mail and found a letter from someone that I barely know. I recognized the name but even had trouble placing where I knew it from. As I opened the letter, I found pages of handwritten notes. I tucked it away not knowing what I was about to get myself into. When I finally had Annie in bed and Dasha secured, I made a trip to Walmart for diapers (or that's what I told Grant) but my curiousity was killing me. Basically, the letter just said that this young couple thought "we" were perfect and always thought our kids were incredible and our constant laughter and banter was an indicator of how rosy things were. They went on giving examples and actually talking about how they had tried to model some of the same things in their own marriage. (Ok, I really started to take this pile of pages home and throw them in the floor with the workbook from last night). Anyway, she just said that they had followed my blog since I started it and had actually been on the original email list when I blogged via email through Ansley's death. She said the normal stuff about being shocked to find out that things weren't perfect but then said something completely stupid. She said that her and her husband now read these entries every morning and it gives them great topics for conversation which has enriched their marriage in an extraordinary way. Hmmmm.... That sure wasn't what I was going for. If your goal is to be the best singer ever, you don't want to find someone like Milli Vanilli to model yourself after. If you are modeling your marriage journey after what you're reading on this blog, please note - PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! Maybe it works for some folks like reverse psychology but I'm still a bit baffled. I hesitated to even write this because evidently, this couple is going to read this in the morning and know I'm talking about them. I'm very flattered but you're using a road map with some major detours and pot holes in it that another map might help you avoid!
Anyway, I'm heading to bed tonight conflicted. I never realized that when your heart and head don't synch up properly, it's exhausting. I wish I could just plug myself into the computer and hit "SYNCH" and have everything suddenly mesh. (I just finished a book called The Out of Synch Child. Maybe I should write about about the out of synch mind / heart).
I do have an appointment with a doctor tomorrow about my wrist. Although I'm regaining some motion in my thumb, it's still swollen like a balloon but now, it's a black and blue balloon! Gross! Dasha also has a neurologist appointment. I just don't even know what to begin to expect there. I'm sure they're going to order lots more tests and observations. I just need someone to use all of this data that they've collected and help me parent her! Like today, when she started dancing in the Victoria's Secret window, watching the two year old shake her booty and strut was hilarious because it wasn't something she was doing to be seductive. However, when a well endowed 13 year old started doing the same thing, it was disturbing. But Dasha didn't understand why I called off the "game" so quickly. I tried to explain it to her but she just kept saying, "Why can Annie do it and I can't?" There's just something missing! Someone needs to hand over the missing piece and let me get on with things or tell me what to use to try to fill in all of those pieces!
Good night, friends!
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