Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Council Members, Popcicles, and Tramp Stamps

So, here's the deal. It's 9:30. I'm really tired but my mind is spinning. I'm allotting myself 15 minutes to spill it all right here. When the timer goes off, I'm done. This is kind of like speed blogging.

I had a great day today at school. I absolutely love my teammates and all of the support we have. We got our class roles today and although I don't know but a few of the names on the list, I'm quite sure that they're the kids I'm suppose to have and that we'll have a great year.

I left school this afternoon to get Grant to the council member's office by 4:30 and made it just in the nick of time.

We met Mr. Nelms at his office and once again, Grant was a celebrity interviewer. When Mr. Nelms asked Grant about his interests, Grant mentioned building with Legos and drawing and Mr. Nelms suggested that they go visit one of the engineers in the company. It was the coolest thing! Grant learned about using AutoCad and soil samples and all of the different things engineers can do. Grant was truly captivated. Mr. Nelms sparked something in Grant that I haven't seen in so long. He told Grant that when he made Eagle scout, he'd have recognition ceremony for him and just really built him up. Grant has beamed for the rest of the evening.

When we got home from Mr. Nelms' office, Grant started asking some really hard questions about the current circumstances. I'm not going to delve into those during this speed blogging party but I'm still stupefied at how wise he is. Geez. I had to answer some really tough questions that I never dreamed I'd be talking about with my son.

Afterwards, dinner was a celebration of Spaghetti-Os (gross) and leftovers. I tried to offer the kids a treat to make up for the crappy dinner by letting them have a popcicle afterwards. Grant and Dasha enjoyed their treats while Annie squeezed her popcicle into her Spaghetti-Os and then got mad when she couldn't get the ice back into the plastic sleeve. It was quite hilarious for her audience. She was none too happy, though! (She also started trying to put her Spaghetti-Os into the sleeve. That's when I really had to call off the fun)!

After dinner, I had to usher Annie straight to the bathtub to get all of dinner's aftermath off of her. She had one doll that she always plays with in the tub. The doll has a stamp over it's crack. I guess Fisher-Price decided that they'd just go ahead and encourage little ones to get tramp stamps (is that PC)? Anyway, Annie kept pointing to the doll's bum and then trying to see her own to find her own numbers. I'm glad we were in the bathroom because I just about peed my pants laughing so hard! I guess if you've never seen your own butt then you just never know what might be stamped back there!

So, I'm now going to finish up some paperwork and I'm heading to bed! Dang! I forgot how early 5:30 is! I admit that I've slept really hard the last couple of nights. I also admit that I haven't worn the stupid arm splint at nights because the metal stays are poking holes in my skin. The swelling is beginning to go down but my wrist is still black and blue and hurts like heck. However, each day, it's getting a bit better. As I said, this too shall pass.

Good night to all from the Randolph Insane Asylum! Ahhh!!!!! Do they make straight jackets for toddlers? Why is this child up again and suddenly standing behind me? She's like a little creeper!

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