Wow. Tonight was one of those nights when instead of crying tears of frustration, loneliness, and anger, they were tears of pride. Grant is working on several merit badges for scouts right now. He's toyed with the goal of being the youngest Eagle Scout in GA. Right now, I think the record is 14 years old. I think he's a little afraid to admit his goal aloud for fear he might not make it. (Hmmmm... I'm sure he didn't get that attribute from me. NOT)! Anyway, he had to meet with some city officials. We were originally supposed to meet with Woodstock's mayor. However, when we arrived, the mayor AND the city manager were both there. Grant asked his interview questions like he was some celeb reporter. I'm so glad he didn't have a microphone! I was astonished at how polished he was at responding to spur of the moment questions that were lobbed back at him. He was simply awesome! I have to admit that I learned a lot about the city government that I never knew! The "new" meeting facility for the city council meetings is in downtown Woodstock in the old old First Baptist Woodstock building. Not the "formal" sanctuary that now houses the theater but the older brick building located right on main street. The city manager gave us a tour and showed us all of the renovations that had been made and how they had tried their best to maintain the integrity of the old building while integrating new technology, as well. He even showed us where the old baptistry was still below the flooring! He said that during the last renovation the builder ran the heating wires over the "tub" so they just decided to leave it where it was and call it the mayor's "trap door exit!" We were also given a tour to see just how "green" the building was. There are actually solar panels on top of the building. I drive by the building every day and I've never noticed them! Anyway, our time with the mayor and city manager were very informative and Grant was a true rock star with the interview! He really made me proud. (I think Papa had a tear in his eye, too. I'm serious)!
Then, Mr. Henriques (the mayor), asked Grant to lead the Pledge of Allegiance to begin the city council meeting. Maybe he does this for every scout that he meets. I don't care. To me, it was one of those moments that will forever be burned into my memory. Grant stood there before the podium and saluted the flag and in a loud clear voice started the Pledge. Wow. I SO wanted a picture but I was so stunned that I didn't have time to get into a spot where I could get a shot. Oh well. Like I said, that memory of him standing there will forever be part of my memories of his childhood.
Tomorrow, we're off to meet another council member to wrap up Grant's badge work. He originally scoffed at the thought of having to interview the mayor and council members but he seemed to actually enjoy himself tonight! Maybe he'll have some sort of career in politics. (I'm not sure that would be my dream for him but he sure seems to know how to talk the talk and play the game)!
After my first day back at school today, I'm exhausted. I missed my afternoon nap! :) However, it felt so good to be productive and get things in order. And, I admit that the drive to school (even if it was only 20 minutes) was blissful. I was in the car alone and played MY music and didn't have to keep checking the rear view mirror to see if someone was strangling another or if someone was escaping from their seat belt! I admit that I did miss my time with the kids today, though. Since I had to rush home and turn around and head back out with Grant tonight, I didn't get to spend more than about 15 minutes with Annie. As I put her to bed, she latched on around my neck and giggled and said, "I wuv you. Tomorrow you play with me and build a castle?" Oh. The girl is such a stinker but she's incredible. She's the absolute best parts of me and Eric. She has my creativity and Eric's agility and social skills. While the big kids are perfect, too, Grant is a 80/20 mix of us, and Dasha is... well, Dasha is Dasha and has her very own place in this world! Annie is just such a solid mix. Anyway, I did miss the kids today but when Annie said, "I wuv you," tonight, it just brought all those mama emotions to the surface.
The question that I'm left with tonight is, "How could anyone walk away from this?" Life is not standing still and the kids are growing up so quickly. Geez. That's one of those questions that I'll never get an answer to but I don't have the time or resources to sit and ponder. There's nothing in this world that I would trade for hearing, "I wuv you" or "I pledge allegiance" or even some of the Dasha-isms that she gives up. There's nothing more precious. How? Why? It just doesn't make sense! What does she have to offer him that could possibly keep him away? I have to imagine her as some Siren with magical powers that make him forget. Maybe that's a little unrealistic but that's the most reasonable solution I can come up with. For now, I'll enjoy those chubby little arms clinging around my neck at night and that little Buddha belly hanging out of her diaper as she loves me goodnight. I'll enjoy watching Grant find his voice and learn to hold his own respectfully and with integrity. And, I'll continue to see the humor in Dasha's views on life. I'm not sure what color the sky is in her world but when I get a glimpse inside, I stand in awe. These are the joys that I'll tuck away for tonight (and bookmark so I can find them when the next kid does something stupid)!
Good night, all!
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