Sunday, July 17, 2011

Blessings and Lessons in Humility

Things I'm thankful for today....

Having one good hand, two good feet, and a sense of humor.

Having a daughter who didn't mind helping me get dressed or fixing my hair and took great pride in doing so. (She's not a gentle hairstylist and doesn't have the same style preferences that I do but it was all done with an incredible amount of love).

Having a son who has done everything in his power to make me comfortable including creating a sling for me and rigging up a system to hold an ice pack on my wrist so I wouldn't have to hold it. He has also given me back and foot rubs and asked if I needed medicine. Hmmm... I wonder what he'd give me!

Having a mom who didn't run screaming when I asked her to help me fix my hair, change Annie's diapers and clothes, and change the cat litter. (Ok, I might have acted particularly helpless about that last task)!

Knowing that this too shall pass!

I am NOT a fan of receiving help. I much prefer to be the one giving it! However, over the last 24 hours, I've had to ask for help with things that have nearly been my undoing. Imagine my horror last night after struggling for 15 minutes to realize that I couldn't get my bra off! Then, this morning, realizing that I couldn't fix my own hair. These are things that I haven't had to have help with for decades! The list continued and having to finally call mom and dad was nearly a crippling moment for me. I had quite a few "it's not fair" thoughts but came to my senses and remembered that life just isn't fair!

Ok, as I peck this out with one hand, I am doubly grateful for having two hands! Tomorrow, I'll call the orthopedist and try to get an appointment since my wrist is still swollen to the size of a small dog and throbbing despite Tylenol. I'm also headed to Apple Camp with Grant tomorrow! It should be fun! Despite my circumstances today, I managed to push through without too much drama. Yes, there have been definite moments when I've longed for things to be "normal" again and have someone to care for me and help with the kids. While my parents have been phenomenal, it's just not the same. Like I said, thank goodness that I can cling to the knowledge that this too shall pass and I will survive and even emerge as a better person. Now, that person might have a bum wrist and children who will need major therapy to undo my parenting accomplishments but, hey, everyone has to have someone to blame their craziness on!

After trying to type and post this on my old laptop, I'm also SO grateful for my booty kicking Mac downstairs! You can add that to my list of blessings!

Here's to Tylenol, M&Ms, a good Netfix flick, and ice packs! Good night!

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