What a day. My brain has been going non-stop today. For tonight, just know that I'm writing from a good spot. Although my heart is tender and raw today due to several "moments," I've climbed out of the hole and am a willing participant in the land of the living.
As a side note, if you have Gospel Music Chanel (I know, it sure doesn't sound too interesting), they are airing a moving called The Heart of Christmas. It was one of those movies that I knew I didn't need to watch but I couldn't stop watching. I literally sat perched on the side of my bed with a constant intention of going to get the laundry out of the dryer for the whole second half of the movie. I just couldn't get up. The basic story is of a little boy with lukemia at St. Jude's in Memphis. So much of the movie was like looking back through a window at our time with Ansley at Egleston. It also doesn't help that it was this time of year when she was first admitted to the hospital and the downward spiral began. Anyway, hold your babies tight tonight and be thankful that you have them despite their disasterous rooms, stinky laundry, whining, and lack of respect. They are gifts.
Good night, all. I'll save the real intellectual stuff for later. Tonight, I'm going to bed (with Annie already tucked underneath my covers).
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