6:30 Mama, open door! Mama, I hungee. Need milk.
6:35 I give up and go get her. I plop her in my bed and que up some Leapster Learning show on Netflix. It's educational, right? I just want another 25 minutes of sleep.
6:45 Mama, what doing? Mama, want milk!
6:46 I give up and move the party downstairs for milk and grits. I check emails and wash up last night's dishes while the princess finishes her breakfast.
7:00 Back upstairs to start a load of laundry. By this time, Dasha is up and plays with Annie long enough for me to round up laundry and get a load started.
7:15 Dasha heads downstairs to get some breakfast while I play dolls (and weed through the winter clothing that'll be too small by next year only to realize that Annie doesn't have any summer clothes)!
7:30 Dasha comes back upstairs so I can at least go brush my teeth. We're heading to my sister's baby shower at 11 so I have to start getting ready NOW if we're to make it on time!
7:32 I can't piece together an outfit for Dasha to wear to the baby shower so I decide to cut off a pair of her jeans and make them capris. I get that accomplished and realize that I never brushed my teeth!
8:00 I hear Annie outside my door saying, "Need that! Need that!" She was perched on a toy and hanging from the rickety ironing board (with the iron still sitting on it) trying to get the scissors from my hack job on Dasha's jeans. Mental note to self, "Stupid, stupid, stupid!"
8:33 Back downstairs to play kitchen. However, Annie decides she wants more milk - except Dasha used the last of it for her cereal. Now, Annie hangs from the refrigerator handle screaming, "Need milk, need milk, need milk."
8:45 Grant gets an invitation to go with Grandpa instead of go to the shower but Grandpa is on his way to pick him up NOW!
8: 46 I jump in the shower and beg Grant to watch Annie just long enough for me to actually shave my legs and wash my hair! Half way through the first leg, Grant bangs on the door and proclaims that Grandpa was there and ready to go. Grrrr.... Annie is then invited into the bathroom with me where I end up having to leave the shower door open in order to supervise her. Crap. No shaving the other leg.
8:50 Annie decides to change her own diaper by removing the poo filled one and leaving it on the carpeted floor and runs her naked butt down the hall leaving a trail.
9:00 Put my pjs back on when I realize that the outfit I was going to wear never made it out of the washer earlier.
From 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., I will admit that I threw one box of gummies at the wall, turned the radio up to drown out a screaming child (who only wanted to be unstrapped from the car seat and sit in the back with her sister), and had an excessive amount of ugly thoughts, and even neglected to lay everyone's clothes out for church so I could avoid doing this drama again this morning (although we kept to nearly the same schedule). However, I do have to make note that while at the baby shower, my aunt handed over a box with enough Annie sized clothes to get her through the next year of her life. Hmmm.... some times prayers are answered despite our own stupidity!
Basically, you get the picture. I've had so many folks say, "I just always thought you had a perfect life!" Well, let me let you in on a secret. You might be surprised to find out that if humans are involved, it ain't gonna be perfect! The last two weeks have been the hardest weeks of my entire life. And, if you don't know, I've watched a child die, buried her, adopted over-seas, and been on a marriage roller coaster but the last two weeks top it!
There are a few things that remain unchanged, though. 1) Agape love is unconditional and eternal. I saw a quote today that read something like, "Jesus isn't looking to crush the heart that's strayed. He's waiting to rejoice over the heart that's come back!" 2) I have awesome kids and friends. You never know who your real friend are until the crap hits the fan and you need to be bailed out without question or condemnation. 3) Too many Christians are willing to stone others. Yes, there is a definite call for accountability and adherence to Biblical principles but we are also called to love.
With that being said, NO, my life is far from perfect right now. I'm praying for brighter days but in the meantime, I'm resting in Galatians 6:2-5. "Carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load."
I purposely didn't publish this post for a few days. I just wanted to think I was in a nightmare and going to wake up. But, now, as I stare at the phrase, "Plaintiff respectfully shows that the Parties hereto have made diligent and sincere attempts to reconcile their differences and preserve this marriage; however, there exists no possible hope or prospect for reconciliation between the Plaintiff and Defendant," I guess I have to admit what my brain kept telling me but my heart didn't wouldn't consider. And, by the way, I'd like to meet the very sad person who wrote this crap! They obviously never were in love and knew what it felt like to be brought to your knees together over one circumstance but brush each other off and pull each other up to climb the next mountain. Blah!
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