"Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you" (Deuteronomy 31:6).
I've debated all day about whether I should address my Anonymous friend or not. Here's what I've decided. They say that a picture says a thousand words so I'll offer up four of them. Most of what my Anonymous friend says is quite true. I'm spoiled (Eric's fault). I'm a hopeless romantic. And, I pulled the last straw from the shaky house that started the collapse. However, it's quite clear that Anonymous isn't familiar with grace, mercy, or forgiveness. I've prayed for grace and mercy and asked a thousand times for forgiveness. And, as for the comments about my kids, that's where this mama bear snaps. My kids are spoiled. Wouldn't you do everything possible for your kids if one had buried a sister, one had lived the first seven years of her life in a sub-standard institution, and one was a miracle? So, as I said, my Anonymous friend seems to be privy to many details of this situation which I wasn't going to broadcast. Thanks to the numerous texts and posts which help me remember just how human and imperfect I am but how big God's grace and mercy are.
"I cry to you, O LORD; I say, 'You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.' Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me" (Psalm 142:5-6)
Yesterday, I posted that this whole situation was far worse than death because it seems that the moment my heart begins to scab over, the scab is ripped off and everything starts again. In no matter of coincidence, as I was reading last night, the chapter I started dealt with alienation.
Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines alienation as "a withdrawing or separation of a person or a person's affections from a position of former attachment."
In my current situation, alienation is the word that describes it. It's not just separation of two high-school sweethearts. It's separation between our friends, family, and those who are bold enough to meddle. It seems that everyone feels a need to take sides. His or hers. The kids are even trying to get in on the action. They feel like if they are loyal to one parent, they are disloyal to the other. It's a trap. My Anonymous friend is really in on the game! I'm too tired to get into the deepest darkest corners of my brain and explain all of my thoughts on this tonight but, believe me, as I read that chapter last night, I felt like it was written specifically for me.
Tonight, I'm heading to bed with the beginnings of a nasty cold. However, I'm also going to bed knowing that Annie's plumbing is now functioning closer to full capacity so I've avoided a hospital trip. (Thank you oranges, grapes, and watermelon)!!! I'm looking forward to getting some rest and then heading to church in the morning. I mentioned not going so I could nurse my cold and the kids revolted. Annie NEEDS her cookies and the big kids don't want to miss the lesson. Hmmmm.... It means so much to me to know that my kids want to go to church (even if it is just for the cookies)! :)
Whatever. You are so full of it. I'm glad you have so many prayers. You are going to need them in the dream world you live in.
^ Would you please leave her alone? You are sooooo low for harassing Susan just to be rude and spiteful. Please get a life and knock it off. She has enough to deal with right now. Don't you have a job to do?
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