OK - So, I've managed to be very serious and reverent for the last two posts. Today, I don't have it in me! It was one of THOSE days! One child was and is barking like a dog and screaming that she does not want her nose because it's running, one was cleaning counters with vegetable cleaner (her heart was in the right place), and the other was trying to micromanage the house and be 80 years old! I love them all dearly but there are some days when Calgon just won't cut it!
When I woke up (ok, when I was awakened by a child screaming, "Need milk! Need grits! Need get out!), I had quite a list of things to get accomplished. By 10:00 a.m., I had cut the grass, painted the foyer and most of the kitchen, and sewn one of my new dining room curtains. I was feeling like a champion.
Then, I'm not sure what happened. As I went to hang the curtain up, I realized I needed a Phillips head screw driver. Hmmmm..... Using a Boy Scout knife / screw driver just doesn't work. I left the big kids home with a list of chores and Annie and I ran to WalMart to get a screwdriver so I could begin making progress and move past my seeming road block. However, as I looked at the endless choices of screwdrivers, I diverted my attention from Annie for a few seconds. She quickly unbuckled herself from the buggy and jumped out. Seriously? Although she didn't even make it past my legs, it was enough to rattle me back into my funk. We made it home with the screwdriver to find the big kids trying to kill each other over trivial things.
Despite the big kids waging war in the background, I started to get excited because I thought I was about to see the curtain which I've been working on for a week hanging proudly over the window. WRONG! The screwdriver I'd chosen wouldn't fit through the tiny hole in the bracket and, therefore, wouldn't even reach the screw.
Currently, the curtain (still impaled with the curtain rod) is laying in the dining room floor where it might just stay until next weekend! When I started psychoanalyzing the whole scenario (I only allow me to analyze me for safety's sake - can you imagine what a real analysis would say?), I was again reminded of the multitude of projects that I seem to start but never find time to finish. It just aggravates me! Who knows why! (I think a professional would advise me to blame my parents but I'm not sure that's really the case)! Anyway, the project is still unfinished and laying crumpled up in the floor. Tomorrow, however, I will conquer that darn curtain rod (after buying another screwdriver) and mark that 1/2 of the project off of the list. (I still have the 2nd curtain to make and hang. We may only have one window covered for quite a while)!!!
It's now 1 a.m. and I've yet to put out bunny baskets or even check to see if I have anything proper to wear to church in the morning. However, I can assure you that if you hear a news story about a maniac losing her mind in the hardware section of WalMart over a screw driver, it'll be me!
If my last unfinished project was to write a children's song and I needed to get it done tonight, I'd probably produce something like Rock-a-bye Baby or Pop Goes the Weasel!
The monkey thought twas all in fun and POP goes the weasel!!!
(I'm afraid to hit "post" at this time because this is one of those pieces that I'm going to look back at and wonder what in the world I was thinking posting this kind of nutzy stuff for the world to see)!
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