Thursday, September 13, 2012

Triple Play and Immodium Popping

Good morning, Woodstock!
View from my escape hatch - oh, I mean window!

Birthday gift for a girl friend of Grant's who is NOT a girlfriend. Um, isn't that called, "It's complicated?"

This is what Annie can do in less than 5 minutes with a spool of ribbon, scissors, and a step stool. I think she looked at the knot tying instructions in one of Grant's Scout books to do the loops around the handles.
Positive things from today -1) I just figured out that my three all time favorite TV shows are now all airing again - Cosby Show, 7th Heaven, and Full House. I couldn't tell you anything about prime time TV but I'm quite content with these three shows and a small helping of Dirty Jobs or Tool Time every now and then. 2) Trusting my "gut" feeling is still the right thing to do. I have evidence eventhough I hate my gut sometimes! 3) Working with a group of insane ladies simply reinforces my idea of normalacy and the knowledge that there are teachers out there who refuse to compromise on education.

Negatives things from today - 1) That incident of Annie's from last night that happened in the bathroom was not an isolated accident. It seems that it was a bug. It struck her once and me about a million times. It's kind of scary to reach the maximum dosage of Immodium and still not achieve results. (Anyone remember the scene from Dumb and Dumber)? Ok. Moving on... 2) Thinking that Thing 2 could wait until tonight to finish a book report that's due tomorrow. 3) Realizing that Annie is becoming aware of the fact that our family situation isn't "normal" compared to her classmates and asking why other kids get to see their dads every day and trying to reason with her in order to answer the "why" questions. Can't be done.

There it is in a nutshell. I'm tired and ready for bed but I'm waiting on Thing 2 to finish her book report that I refused to do for her. (I don't know where she got that crazy idea - duh - gold star for mom)!

Good night, all.

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