Annie suckered Grant into a back rub. She is hopeless when it comes to back rubs. She will even correct you if you don't do it like she wants it! |
Wall down to midpoint. I can get the van in (once I rearrange the crap) and won't have to puddle jump to get the kids rolled out of the house! |
Where's the other part of the header? Um, well... Let's just say that it fell (nails still intact) and missed my noggin by centimeters! That was the worst part of the deal. (We won't count the little electrical issue that a quick YouTube lesson solved). |
Took the girls to McDonald's to play while it was raining. My poor unsocialized kids were overwhelmed with the other kids jumping around and simply sat and watched! |
Grant helped another scout finish up his Eagle scout project. Hopefully they will return the favor soon for Grant's project. |
Hard to believe that two years ago last weekend, this nut suffered a pretty serious stroke. He has a clean bill of health now and still doesn't know that the S on his chest stands for SENIOR and not SuperMan! Maybe we'll let it stand for both since he refuses to slow down! |
This is Charlotte my Writing Spider. She still creeps me out but I'm too scared of her to try to kill her. What if she jumps at my face? Ugh!!!! |
Took the girls to the ice rink and realized that even with help, there's no way I could have both girls on the ice. So, Dasha the Brave took on the adventure with a new friend. She made it all the way around the rink with a coach cheering her on from the edge (on nice dry land). |
Our own bouncy in the backyard for the weekend made for a great ending to fall break. (Grant was camping so the girls took it over as their own palace)! |
Happy Birthday, me. See what happens when you let the 3 year old spell? |
Dance Party Day at preschool. Annie was clad in her new outfit and ready! It was also her special day and she was going to be the line leader and had snack for her friends. However, as we pulled out of the drive way seconds after taking the photo, I heard, "Mama!!!! I peed!!!!" Are you kidding? So, I stripped her of her new dance party outfit, grabbed regular school clothes and dropped her at the sitter (all by 6:45) trying to figure out if it was worth crying over. However, her sitter washed her dance outfit and had her redressed in time for school. Gotta love the Mighty Fatima! |
Annie discovered Grant's old airplane peddle car. My dad spent SO much time building this thing and even had a professional body shop paint it for Grant's 2nd Christmas. Poor Grant never fit in it! I'm so happy that Annie was estactic about it! I think it made Dad really happy, too! |
The dance diva decided that jumping on her bed and flipping over the rail was fun. I'm not convinced. She said she was going to, "Boogie." Yeah, right. We're going to boogie right down to the ER if she doesn't stop! |
Grant at his Court of Honor accepting a troop position as Scribe. I wonder if they know his handwriting looks like chicken scratch. He spells like Webster but he writes like Turkey Lurkey! |
Grant receiving his next rank. Next rank? Eagle! Can I just mention that as this was going on, I had Annie pinned into a pew. Mom was feeding her Fruit Loops since she slept through dinner. (Thanks, mom)! Annie was crunching the Fruit Loops as loud as possible! Then, I smelled an awful smell and asked her if she needed to go potty. (Legitimate question when you smell that sort of scent). She responded very loudly, "No! I don't need to potty! I just pooted!" Come on, now! If I could have escaped, I would have. |
And, for the jokesters that keep emailing me asking if I'm a real person, yeah. I'm just on the other side of the camera 99% of the time and prefer it that way. |
So, that's the last few days in a nutshell. Here are the things I've decided that I've learned over the last year that will make my 37th year much easier.
1) Don't trust what anyone writes or says. Wait to see it in their actions.
2) Life is way too short to sweat the things that won't matter in 24 hours (like dirty clothes, dust bunnies, and crazy hair).
3) No one else really cares about your integrity. It's yours to establish and defend.
4) You can't just sit on your butt and hope that your kids turn out ok. You have to work at it every day (even if it's with a baseball bat and duct tape).
5) I truely hate my journey right now but I'm here for some reason so I need to get my panties out of my butt and get to walking! Maybe I'll call next year The Wedgie Walk! If millions can walk for breast cancer, surely I can support myself in my own Wedgie Walk.
Yeah, there are some other things I've learned that are a lot more introspective (oohhhh - big word). However, I'm going to hang on to those for now. I've had enough stones tossed at my glass walls today. I sort of feel like there's a little ding (like when a rock nicks your windshield) in one of the walls and if anything happens too drastic, the whole darn thing might just shatter. Sometimes, trying to figure out if what you want is really what you need and if what you need could ever align with what you want and how to even get what you need, much less what you want can be a bit overwhelming. See what I mean? (I sort of waiting for Larry, Moe, or Curly to jump out and smack me after that one).
Anyway, it's time to end my blogging therapy and pull the girls from their tubs since they are now sufficiently pruned (no soap added yet but if you soak long enough, surely the dirt will dissolve).
Good night, all.
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