"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8)
1) Finished cleaning out the other half of the file cabinet drawer. Found a file marked "WIFE" with odds and ends in it. One piece of paper had notations from our phone call with the Russian doctor with stats about Dasha. Born at 29 weeks, 5th pregnancy, 3rd delivery, 37 cm, 1.5 kg, no prenatal, rolled over at 10 months, sat up at 2 years. OK, that puts things into perspective today.
2) Checked off all of my errands by 11:00 this morning including mailing packages, exchanging a picture that Ritz camera chopped in half but boxed up for me anyway, transferring car title (paid off months ago but never transferred it - duh), Grant's camp physical (with the girls in tow - very interesting), Home Depot run for a PVC cutter (um, did you know you can melt PVC with a dull hacksaw?), and finally home again to put the playhouse together.
3) Kept busy trying to clean the house up and put things away but cleaning with Annie around is like shoveling snow in a snowstorm.
4) Realized Annie had a fever and gave her Tylenol and gave myself permission to collapse on the sofa with her while Grant was at Scouts and Dasha was coloring.
5) Trying not to focus on the fact that Eric crossed the state line an hour ago and will see the kids tomorrow night. Why do I allow those darn butterflies to flutter like that? There's no need for them. Those butterflies should have flown south two months ago.
Heading to bed for now knowing that whatever bug Annie has will probably encroach her sleep and land her in my bed which means laying in the dark with the computer off. Not what I look forward to. (Don't get me wrong, I love to cuddle up with Annie when she gives me the opportunity. I just don't relish having her in my bed where I have to force myself into a traditional mode of "sleep" when I know those circumstances just set me up for a very long and restless night).
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