OK, today is not the day to screw with me. Just to set the record straight, Blogger has confirmed Anonymous' identity. Ms. Anonymous is using her work account to make these degrading posts so I could hand over the IP addresses and let her company deal with her. However, I was trying to take the higher road but it might just be too much of a stretch today.
Once again, my children are everything to me - especially right now. I cling to them in an unhealthy way and I'm the first to admit it. Pardon me for wanting my son to have his needs met. And, if you'd read the post carefully, you might have seen that I said there would be consequences for his actions.
As for Dasha, let me give you a little more insight. I just cleaned up cat poop from where she squeezed the cat so hard she pooped everywhere. This is after the incident of her wanting to cuddle the cat and then continually hitting the cat because it didn't want to sit still. Hmmmm??? You think this behavior is acting just like her dad? Wow! I'll remind you that I have 3 education degrees and I know when a child starts abusing animals that it means real trouble. SO, that's where I am with Dasha - REAL TROUBLE! Would you like me to send you my cat for protection? OR, maybe you'd prefer me to wait until she starts taking her pent up rage out on Annie. So, now on top of all of the other drama that seems to beget this family, I'm having to deal with an even bigger psychological problem with Dasha than just her pica, emotional / social and physical limitations and issues that were already present. I so truly appreciate you adding to my growing frustrations this morning. (As I was sitting here trying to figure out how to pay the remainder of the month's bills and worrying about making ends meet, I saw the blog alert pop up with "Anonymous." You are no longer Anonymous, though).
And, as for the mystery texter, the last picture you sent was traceable. Duh! When you use Google Maps to send pictures of houses, those pictures still carry their origin information.
Anonymous, I hope you have a wonderful afternoon seeing as how you're so darn perfect. You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5 Until you can get that darn 2X4 from your own eye, leave mine alone. I'll tend to my own wounds and those of MY family without your help. Thanks!
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