For those of you who didn't know, our nanny walked out on us a few weeks ago and it really sent me into a tailspin. Looking back, though, it was a blessing in disguise. Annie is now staying with an incredible lady while I'm at work. Annie has really blossomed in just the last few weeks with her. Some days, it seems that she's blossomed into a stink weed but she has really excelled with her new sitter! At ten months, Annie is now walking, babbling nonstop, and eating anything that isn't bigger than she is. Her nickname is The Goat! I don't want to think about how much dog food or how many Nerf darts she's ingested over the last few weeks! I guess we're going to go with the mantra, "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger!" She should have a stomach of steel!
Due to the nanny drama, I had to re-enroll Dasha in public school. Although she was doing great with our home school curriculum, there aren't too many resources for sitter options during the day for an 11 year old! However, when I re-enrolled her, I had her placed in resources classes which are smaller and move at a slower pace. I can't tell you how hard this decision was. I think I just figured that some magic light bulb was going to go on and Dasha was going to catch up with her peers and be able to tow the same load that the others manage. I had to come to the moment of realization that Dasha is a unique individual and she simply needs some more directed studies to fill in all of those missing gaps from being in a institution for the first seven years of her life! Honestly, I think somewhere deep down inside, I just never thought that one of my own kids would have to have special education services. I'd just concocted such a negative opinion of the whole special education idea. Bottom line, I had to deal with my own skeletons in the closet before placing Dasha back at Little River but I know she's in very capable hands and is receiving what she needs at this very moment in her life.
Dasha is happy to be back in school when it comes to the social aspect. However, she's not too fond of the 5:45 wake up call and having to be responsible for remembering her books and tools. However, these are life skills that we need to work on and so we shall!
Grant, as usual, is trying to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders. Grant has always been an old soul but with Eric being in TX, Grant has taken on the roll of "man of the house." He tries his best to make sure all of the girls are taken care of and has even offered to let Annie sleep in his room so I could relax. Although I love Grant's tender heart, there are times when I wish he'd simply be a kid! He and my dad have spent a lot of time together and just competed in the Boy Scout Pinewood Derby Race and came in 3rd place! I think my dad is living vicariously through Grant sometimes but my dad still believes that Grant is nearly perfect in every way and dotes on him beyond belief. Some times, I have to wonder if this is really the same man who raised me. My sister and I never had privileges such as spray painting on the front porch but with Grant, anything is ok if he's happy.
As for me, I'm still teaching at Little River and will finish the year out. It is trying to keep three kids on schedule and semi-clean but as I've learned, kids are incredibly resilient. I figure the bigger kids are already keeping some sort of list of topics to discuss with a counselor later in life so I figure I'd better make it worth their time! I've learned that dishes will patiently wait in the sink to be washed just as laundry will pile up in the hamper. The dog hair in the carpet is just added cushioning for Annie's bum as she toddles around and plops down at intermittent moments. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or cereal can suffice for dinner as long as it's served with a smile and smushed peas under the high chair simply serve as a little snack for the dogs. However, I can't ever get these days back with my kids no matter what our circumstances are so laughter and love will reign supreme as we dance around in hairy carpet with our dirty clothes on!
Believe it or not, I am taking on a bit of a new challenge, too. I've been asked to write a blog about family life. I have to say that I thought it was a joke at first. Those of you who have seen our "family life" first hand know that we're not traditional and sure not rated G at most moments! There's usually nudity (Annie), violence (Nerf darts), and depending if Eric is home, bodily noises. Anyway, if you need another laugh or just need some reassurance that you are going to win the Mother of the Year award, check it out http://happilyeverafterfornow.blogspot.com/. I've had some technical difficulties (the kind that stand at your knees and scream until you pick them up) so things are getting uploaded slowly.
And then, there's Eric! E is still in TX with Chick-fil-A. He loves his job! He's getting acclimated to the area and I'm sure the area is still trying to get acclimated to him, as well! He is currently working two weeks in TX and then working here in ATL for one week. This is a tremendous help for me! Instead of wondering if the light flashing in my eyes is the light at the end of the tunnel or a train headed straight for me, I know when he'll be home so I can plan activities for the family or a solid escape route for myself!
Hopefully, that gives everyone a quick update of the antics around here! I'll try to do better to get things updated before the kids head off for college!
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