For the last 18 months, Eric has worked from the house with a marketing firm. He loved the work and learned the ins and outs of the internet realm. However, we knew that his time with the company was drawing to a close and we were looking for and preparing our exit strategies. Having Eric work from home was a perfect solution for our family, though. He was able to keep very close tabs on our little monster, Annie, and enjoy some stolen moments with her each day.
While all of this was going on, Dasha began to struggle both physically and academically at school. (See my previous post about this whole situation). After much thought and prayer, we decided to remove Dasha from the public school system and home school her. I was terrified. I already had too much on my plate with a classroom of 22 students, a baby at home, and a son who didn't need to feel left out! (Not to mention a husband who also didn't want to feel left out)! However, we knew it was the right decision. SO, we unenrolled Dasha and filed the petition to home school. I started her off with quite a mix of materials. Math from 2nd grade. Reading from 3rd grade. Science and social studies from 1st grade. Whew! Filling gaps is a full time job! However, I was able to structure her day so that for the most part of the day while I was at work, she'd be doing independent activities. Eric was there to oversee so things went smoothly and Dasha loved it! She was (and is) finding success! In her own words, "My heart is happy."
(Imagine you hear the Jaws theme music in the background at this point).
Just when things were going smoothly and we had developed a business strategy for Eric, a good routine for Dasha, Annie was beginning to sleep through the night, and I was even beginning to ponder job changes, we got a phone call. Actually, Eric got the phone call.
It was a marketing job offer from Chick-fil-A in TEXAS! Unlike some of the other offers which he's received from out-of-state companies, I knew this was the real deal! As he relayed the details, I mentally started preparing myself to tell my family and my current life, "Adios." I really think all of the other offers he'd received and turned down had been preparing me for the big one! I'd already done the drama of moving in my mind and knew what I was up against. For Eric, he'd be going to a city where he already knew everyone and could simply mesh right into the routine. My roots, however, don't transplant so easily. I'm not a social creature and the friends I do have are those that I've befriended over the last 30 years! And what about my job? It's unheard of for a teacher to leave the classroom mid-year. I can't tell you how mad I'd be if one of my kids' teachers up and left half way through the year! But, this plan is much bigger than me!
One of these days, I'm going to sit down and map out the clear hand of God which had guided (ok, sometimes pushed and pulled) our family. From the friends that have entered our lives due to Ansley's death, to job opportunities which arose because of those friends, it has all been part of a bigger Commission. (Yeah, I know that many people see me start using words like God and Commission and get antsy. Well, if you've got ants in your pants, close the screen and go wash your drawers). Eric and I have learned to be still and listen through our trials and tribulations and though we don't do it well, we know that we're clearly being lead away from Georgia. There's no point in either of us kicking and screaming or making lists of pros and cons. We know it's the right thing. It doesn't matter what we think. (Once again, for those of you overly educated folks who feel like we're less educated people because of our blind faith in God, stop reading or keep reading and find out why we can move our family 27 hours from everything they know and not have a single doubt)! Anyway, Eric accepted the job and things quickly progressed. Actually, I don't think the word should be progressed. The correct word would be snowballed!
We all flew to Lubbock, TX last week and checked things out. Texas, to put it bluntly, is flat and brown. In comparison with Georgia's changing leaves and sloping hills, I might as well be on Mars! However, Eric's buddies from college and his earlier Chick-fil-A years both live in Lubbock and work for (own) the same Chick-fil-A Eric will be working with. We stayed with them and Eric jumped in the saddle by helping prep for the Texas Tech game. Let me just say that Texas Chick-fil-As aren't like Georgia ones. When we got to the store, the line was wrapped around the store twice and there were employees outside taking orders with remote registers. We went inside but had to wait for a table. (I have to admit that I don't stick around in ANY drive through line if there are more than four cars)! Anyway, we saw the city, looked at some houses, and in general, Eric got psyched about the change and I started down the path toward a nervous breakdown! Reality is always a very sobering thing!
As the story continues, Eric's job with the marketing firm did putter out as we'd expected. So, we decided that it would be a safe financial move for him to go on to TX and start work while I stayed behind with the inmates and worked on getting the house sold or rented. Eric pulled out with the U-Haul on Thursday morning. Once again, reality doesn't always play fair. When you think things through and make those rosy plans in your head, they never include emotions. Nonetheless, we've survived our first weekend without Daddy and everyone is still intact. We even managed to trick-or-treat without having to call for back up! Eric will fly back and forth a few times before the end of the year. However, the flight is pretty financially restrictive so those trips have to be limited. Hopefully, we'll have the house situation figured out by the end of the year and we can all head to TX at that point. Until then, I'm just going to keep my eyes up and remember that this is simply still part of our Season of Change. (Hey, don't seasons usually end eventually)?
As a side note, Rita is still here watching Annie during the day so she's also able to stay with Dasha. For now, things are working well. I'm not sure what I'd do without Rita, though. I keep hoping she has some long lost sister somewhere in TX. I'm going to have to relearn how to do laundry, cook, and clean. (OK - maybe not RElearn. Maybe I'll learn how to do those things)!
Here's to Seasons of Change!
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