First of all, I'm quite aware that I haven't posted in weeks. There's a reason. I have barely had time to take a breath lately and once the kids are in bed, I collapse into a heap (ok, more like a puddle) myself.
However, I did want to take the time to throw out a speed bump and recognize the passing of an era. Tomorrow will be the last time the the original members of the Third Grade Academy will all officially be teammates. I've lost track of how long we've been together, honestly. We've seen each other through births, deaths, divorces, sickness, and insanity (reoccurring theme). We've earned quite a few names throughout the school due to our united front. No, we're not divas and we're not snobs. We're a family. We've stuck together through the good times and bad. We've watched kids tie themselves to chairs, throw shoes at principals, staple their fingers together, pole dance, lick each other, "hump" inanimate objects, and a host of other things that you just wouldn't believe. We've also watched some of those same students achieve personal and academic successes that no one would have ever believed possible. It has taken a village. Yes, we do take turns being the village idiot, although, Smoochie seems to play the main role most times. (Ugh. I'm just kidding. I'll bring you some dollar bills tomorrow to make you holler)! Seriously, next year, only two of the original eight Third Grade Academy founders will serve in their exact same capacity. I know that change is good and many times, change is needed. However, no one said that it is easy or even likable. However, families endure change all the time, and this family will survive this change and come out intact on the other side. Some of us may end up on the six o' clock news on the way to the other side but we will rise above the craziness of these "changes of necessity" and kick butt!
As for the Mario music, you wouldn't believe me if I told you.
On a personal note, everyone at the Randolph compound survived another school year. Things are moving at warp speed around here and hopefully once I can bring the roller coaster to a complete stop (or simply a speed slow enough so I won't end up with anything more than superficial wounds when I leap off), I'll let you in on all of the craziness. Told you it was getting good around here. If anyone would have told me two years ago where I'd be today, I would have laughed so hard that I peed my pants. Ok, well, since that only takes a church giggle, maybe I would have laughed harder than that! Too much information. Sorry. Anyway, stay tuned...
Good night, all. And, to my sisters of the Third Grade Academy, it ain't over yet, girls!
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