Rub a dub dub, Look in Dasha's tub... |
Look where you'd find a pair of crusty undies to rewear... |
This is the spot to head for a swim indoors... |
This is the one thing that Annie can't open by herself - yet... |
Check out where mom gets lost every night... |
For your last stop, go back and check under the big coniferous. |
Something to wear... |
Something to play (or use to irritate others)... |
Something to play... |
Checking out the gifts in the fridge... (This was the hardest clue for them to get)! |
Something to play (and irritate others with)... |
The girls checking out the spot to swim indoors. (Please check out the doll in the tub. See! That's what happens when you take tea time with Annie)! |
Annie's "something to learn with"... |
So, that was Christmas morning. The scavenger hunt had it's good points and bad ones. The good: It took the kids over 2.2 seconds to unwrap everything. The bad: It left a trail of destruction throughout the entire house! (In hindsight, I guess I could have followed behind them with a trash bag but that kind of defeats the purpose. Bummer).
This was Annie's "something to learn" gift, part 2. She loves this bike! It's a balance bike and doesn't have pedals. She just kicks herself around the house and has learned to glide down the straightaways. Look out for your ankles and toes, though! |
This was simply the icing on the cake tonight. I started to put this on Facebook but I don't need any of my students' parents running across it. When I got ready to dump Annie into her bed, she had concocted a "swing" for her doll and was incredibly proud of herself. Um, yeah. What was I supposed to say? (That wasn't the best part, though). When I tried to tell her that her doll was ready for bed and didn't want to "swing" anymore, she handed me the undergarment back and innocently said, "Here, mom. You can put your boobs back in the drawer now." I admit. That was my undoing and I couldn't help but melt to the floor in laughter. |

I have so many thoughts but so little time. I have NyQuiled two coughing children (never mind the warning label - they're tough little suckers)! And, I've salined the littlest nose and given her honey. This house is literally vibrating with coughing. Annie hasn't slept in two days now and she's currently talking to herself in her room about seeing the Christmas lights at Life College this evening. It's 11:23. She got up at 5:30 this morning! She didn't have a nap. I think she's either delirious from coughing or the sugar in the honey has a major adverse reaction on her. Who knows but I think I'm probably going to have another bed buddy tonight. (She's like a stinking octopus that must have at least five out of eight tentacles touching you at all times)! So, I'm going to head to bed in hopes that the two big monsters will sleep without coughing and that the little one will rest at some point (or crawl in the bed with me and watch a movie and let me sleep)!
So, there's the short version of the Randolph Christmas.
Good night, all!
Oh yeah, I forgot. The biggest task that I'd been avoiding for the last eight months was tackled successfully today. There were definitely some sketchy moments but the job is done. MY closet is now clean, organized, and contains only MY things. I felt like a major rock star when I emerged from the closet with one bag for Good Will and another full of other "stuff" that Grant and I decided to trash. I think I'll sleep with the closet door open tonight just so I can stare in amazement at my job well done! :) If you've never cleaned out the closet of someone that's "moved on" (be it dead, moved, or other wise), you probably couldn't understand the weight that's been lifted off of my shoulders! Whew! (I can now successfully use that closet as a holding tank for any unruly children, as well. Did I say that out loud? Oops)!
1 comment:
Great blog and congrats on your "new" closet. I really loved your idea of reversing the hangers to keep up with what we wear and don't wear, too.
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