An hour into the wait to see Santa and his reindeer, Annie decided that she'd rather play a game. She can unlock my phone, scroll through the apps to find what she wants, and launch her games. Disturbing doesn't even begin to cover her techie intuition. She can also open iTunes and find her videos. The girl needs her own devices but I'm just not ready to hand over an iTouch to a 2 year old. It's SO wrong on SO many levels. |
We forfeited our spot in line and just went to sneak a peak of Santa and his reindeer. My butt was frozen and numb so hers had to be, too! However, I had to promise her that we'd visit him later so she could tell him to make her a pink bike and a drum with sticks. |
Destroying Papa's leaf piles was much more entertaining. |
Definitely nap time! |
The girls analyzed and sorted acorns into different groups. The last sorting consisted of which acorns were pizza and which were smoothies. |
The girls decided that the pile of leaves was their car and they went for a drive. (Papa and Grant gave up on raking a LONG time ago)! |
She said she found the prize leaf! Her imagination borders on neurotic sometimes! |
So, that was the excitement for day one of my Thanksgiving break beyond a trip to Target to buy Annie some real panties. She chose Dora and Littlest Pet Shop. I'm so over this potty training thing! I gave in and bought a bag of M&Ms, too, to bribe her with. However, when we got back to the van, she started screaming for the M&Ms. I told her that she had to tinkle in the potty first. The little crumb-snatcher looked me dead in the eye and said, "I don't have a potty here, Mama. We're in the car. Give me some now and I'll tinkle at home later." When I told her that she'd have to wait, she let out a blood curdling scream and started calling for Grandma. Hmmm.... She's not even three and knows that Grandma would've ripped that bag of M&Ms open in a heart beat and hand fed them to her to keep her from screaming like a wild animal. Me? Nope. I crawled into the driver's seat, turned up the radio, and pulled away from Target looking a lot more calm than I felt.
Here's to an uneventful Thanksgiving break.
Good night, all.
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