Yeah, everyone has seen the quote. I know. Nothing original. But, I'm just making a point. I've done a jig. I've done the Macarena. I've even done a bit of Cotton Eye Joe followed with a Tango but the storm just won't seem to pass. It's late and I won't begin to go into too much detail but Monday was L O N G. I figured out why Dasha has acted so nutty lately and it can be directly linked to her lack of sleep and focus on playing her Nintendo through the night in order to "beat" the Tale of Desperaux game. Grant spent his lunch at the silent table today which was a first for him. Although, I think I was more shell shocked than he was. Annie peed and poo'd in the potty today for the sitter but came home and made puddles and piles in the floor like a puppy. I've gotten three surprise bills that caught me completely off guard. And, to top it off, the beautiful picture wall that I worked so hard to finish is now laying across the foyer in pieces. The stupid 3M picture hooks obviously don't like cold air and they all gave way. So, I now have broken glass and frames littering the entryway. Perfect-O! So, I've danced my heart out trying to wait the storm out but I need to sit the next dance out and catch my breath. No, I'm not giving up on dancing through this storm but I just need to let my feet rest because these darn tap shoes are wearing blisters on my feet and on my soul.
Good night, all.