Five minutes into our trip and Annie is already looking for an escape. |
Get familiar with this photo. It's the only one that they all smiled in so it'll probably be our Christmas card photo since this won't happen again - EVER! |
Gave up on the backpack the "leash" was attached to and then Annie decided to hold her own leash. Kind of defeated the purpose but she thought was in charge of someone. (We didn't tell her that it was HER)! |
She was mesmerized with the scuba cleaners until one of them waved to her. |
This is how the remainder of the trip was spent. Ow. Thirty five pounds of toddler gets heavy! Who cares what Annie thinks! Next time, I'm taking the darn stroller in! |
Grant receiving an award at scouts that certifies him to play with fire. Hmmm... Who thought up this award? That's kind of like giving a boy permission to destroy. |
You wouldn't know that he'd just himself a little temper tantrum, now, would you? Preteens are like Jekyll and Hyde! |
And, this certificate allows him to use an axe, knife, and other sharp objects. Once again, who thought these things up? It HAD to be a man! No mother would ever ok these sorts of rewards! |
I got a chuckle out of this one. Every now and then, you see a glimmer of Grant's pride shine through in a positive way. He was so proud of his accomplishments. |
So, my internet has been on the fritz so I didn't get anything else posted and I'm done for the night. I took a new vitamin / herb supplement last night about 10:00 only to realize at 2:00 that the bottle clearly said that one of the side effects could be insomnia. Ya think? So, I think I finally drifted off to bed around 3:30 only to have the alarm go off at 5:15. Blah. So, after a night of having to play nice and be social at the scout banquet, I'm toast! Playing nice is really hard work! I'd like to think that I'd get to spend some time posting stuff here tomorrow night but Annie is having her first "ballet" class tomorrow night so I'm sure that will throw everything into a tailspin. I'm losing track of the days of the week simply trying to keep up with everyone's activities! Geez.
So, for tonight, I'll say, "Goodnight." I am heading to bed as a proud mama after watching Grant (trying not to remember his silly temper tantrum which made me wonder if he was really just a 2 year old stuck in an 18 year old's body). Lunches are packed. Clothes are laid out. Laundry is spilling out of the laundry area and down the stairs. Annie left banana bread crumbs all over the counter and kitchen floor but I'm convinced they'll be much easier to sweep up after they lay there all night and get stale (or a caravan of ants comes to have a midnight buffet). BUT, by golly, I'm going to sleep! No vitamins tonight and no insomnia. Just sleep.
Good night, all.