Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...
I've written three different blog entries over the last week but ended up deleting them all. For some reason, words just aren't appropriate to even begin to wrap around this current "season" in my life. As I continue in this holding pattern, I'm waiting. Waiting for answers. Waiting for the right timing. Waiting for the next monster to pop out of door number three! This must have been what the Disciples felt like as Jesus slept through the raging storm and then simply commanded the seas to calm (Mark 4:35-40). I have to remember that my Father could simply bring this seeming chaos to a complete halt with one word if He thought that best. Obviously, I'm going to keep clinging to the ship (as long as He is still inside) and ride out the waves. Hopefully, I can wrap more words around this crazy life of mine in the near future. But, for now, just know that the Randolph family is being tossed around in the sea and waiting for the storm to calm. (As I close, I keep thinking I hear the words from the Gilligan's Island theme song somewhere in the background... "The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed. If not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Minnow would be lost. So, this is a tale of our castaways, they're here for a long long time. They'll have to make the best of things, it's an uphill climb!"
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