Today is one of those days in my world. All I wanted was a simple visit to the bathroom for less than two minutes without someone helping with the toilet paper or ransacking the cabinets and pulling out all sorts of unmentionables. (No, Annie, they are NOT stickers! No, Annie. Stop, Annie. Don't stick that there, Annie)! So, I decided to go against every grain of common sense I have and decided to use the baby gate to "lock" Annie and Dasha in Dasha's room so I could have my own dreamy visit to the bathroom ALONE!
As I entered the bathroom, it was quiet and dark and I could hear the girls talking over the monitor. Dasha was folding clothes and telling Annie what each article was. "Shirt, socks, bra, panties, pants..." If you know Dasha, you'll know that she doesn't see any problem in teaching Annie the proper terms for each piece of clothing despite the fact that Annie may yell out the term at the most inopportune time. ("Mama, mama, mama! Look! Bra!") I can hear her saying that now in the middle of the church sanctuary! And, just let me say, if you are laughing at this plausible happening, you've never met Annie! Anyway, the banter between the girls continued and I began to relax and think I'd stumbled onto a great new way to buy myself a couple of minutes of peace and quiet. In fact, when I'd finished in the bathroom, I actually decided to wipe the mirror and counter off! I was feeling like a complete rock star! A bathroom to myself. Girls playing nicely together. But, I came back to reality and decided to go retrieve Annie before my ingenious plan went sour and caused me to have another round of why-did-I-think-that-was-a-good-idea-itis!
When I rounded the corner into Dasha's room, Annie was wearing Dasha's bra, panties, and socks. I didn't have my camera handy as the scene unfolded but you can see from the picture that Annie was none too happy about having to give up her newly acquired garments! (She was still wearing Dasha's socks, though, and went to bed with them on)!
There are two morals to this story. 1 - If you leave Dasha "in charge," be ready for anything! 2- Forget having any private potty time until your children leave home!
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