Where to begin seems to always be my biggest dilemma! For those of you who have known us more than a day or two, you've surely heard the name Jason (aka Jay) come up. Eric and Jason met at the Woodlawn Chick-fil-A in their early college days. They ended up sharing the same bachelor pad, in fact. To this day, I'm convinced that Eric has an incredible immune system due to his years in that shoe box which unofficially housed between three and thirty young men (and a ferret at some point named Ringo)! That's a whole different story, though! My point is that Eric and Jason are like brothers. They've shared rooms (probably beds and other things I don't want to know about) and been through quite a bit together. I'm rambling.... Right after we got married, Jason moved back to TX to be closer to his parents and finish his degree. While he was there, he picked up another job at Chick-fil-A. While there, he met a young girl named Emily. After a few months, they got engaged and married on the day after Valentine's Day in 2003. It was during this time that Ansley got seriously ill. In fact, Jason and Emily came straight to GA after getting off the plane from their honeymoon in Hawaii in order to be with us. I'd never met Emily but the minute she stepped into that PICU at Egleston, I knew she was perfect for Jason. She was very soft spoken but also seemed to be able to inspire greatness from those around her. She had such a love for Ansley, as well. She'd never met her before but she immediately took on the job of protector. After being dismissed to take Ansley home with hospice, Jay and Em stayed with us. Em spent hours rocking Ansley. This was such a wonderful break for me. Emily sang to her, cooed to her, and loved on her during those last hours and moments of her little life. In fact, Emily was the last person to hold Ansley before she slipped away. Emily and Jason were with us at the moment it happened. They quickly stepped in and became Grant's keepers and made sure that he had everything he could possibly need. I still laugh about the antics of them trying to find Grant dress clothes for the funeral at Gap Kids! It was impossible to find pants for Grant when he was that age but they managed and did so with a smile! In the end, Jay and Em were there for us, like family. In fact, Ansley's middle name was actually Jaye - for Jason. (I did have to put my foot down about having a daughter with a middle name of Jason)!
I feel like I'm writing some kind of detailed novel but that is not my point. I want everyone to see how God's devine hand leads us even in the dark times. I saw something written once that said, "God hasn't made the storm stop because He wants me to learn to dance in the rain." That's what this story is. It's one big storm where everyone had to learn to dance! Emily's storm was different than our storm with Ansley, though. Emily had Cystic Fibrosis. She waged a long and tough battle. The nurses saw her coming and ran for cover! They knew she would fight to get better! Through many other divine interventions which ultimately led Jason and Emily to AL where UAB has an awesome lung transplant team, they also had beautiful daughter named Faith. Emily did receive a double lung transplant and enjoyed renewed health for a short period. She and Jason moved back to TX where their families are.
Jason's brother, Brandon, actually runs one of the Chick-fil-As in Lubbock. This is the store Eric is stationed at. So, Jason, Brandon, and Eric all work together again just like those early days at Woodlawn Square! Eric is actually living with Jason right now, too. I think they're a little more mature now and don't allow critters such as ferrets to live in the silverware drawer - no, I'm not kidding!
However, on Tuesday, Emily lost her battle with CF. She'd been flown back to UAB to check out some lingering problems and slipped off to go Home while she was sedated. Jason was there with her.
As most of you know, I don't do emotions well. However, Emily's death just makes me remember how raw my heart was after Ansley's death. I've read Randy's Alcorn's book where he talks about what heaven will be like and I know what the Bible says, but in my own mind, its so comforting to me to picture Emily bursting through the gates of Heaven and looking around to find Ansley and rocking her to sleep for me as she did before.
I know that Emily has left an incredible heritage behind for her daughter and Jason will have his hands full as he begins to find a new "normal" but what a picture of a loving mother and wife she has left for everyone. It also makes me wonder what kind of heritage I'm leaving behind for those around me.