Annie has finally settled into somewhat of a routine - thank goodness! When Grant was a baby, we hyper scheduled everything! He ate at precisely the same hour at each meal. He napped at predetermined lengths throughout the day and slept for eleven hours each night without fail. This fit very nicely with my perfectionist tendencies. As I look back, I know that Ansley never fell into a good schedule but I'd always assumed it was due to her illness. Now Annie, on the other hand, has no excuse. In my mind, she should be sleeping through the night, cooing at her perfect parents, and sleeping at my convenience. HA! It has taken me twelve weeks to realize that Annie has her very own personality and it's nothing like Grant's! Whew! She much prefers cat naps spread throughout the day to a couple of big naps. (You can imagine how conducive cat napping babies are to getting chores done around the house)! She also prefers to snack and graze throughout the day instead of eating full meals. While I'm not ok with her snacking habits and am working diligently toward full feeds, she only looks at me and chuckles when I insist that she keep eating as her eyes fall shut and she smiles her little sleepy smile. How can you argue with that? Really, though, things are beginning to take the shape of a routine and that makes me happy. I can at least have a plan about when I'm going to get a shower or fix the big kids lunch - although Uncrustables have become a staple in our home for lunch on the go or lunch when mom is negotiating with the baby. Though my plans don't always mesh with Annie's plans, we're beginning to meet in the middle about issues such as sleeping and napping. I've been putting her to bed at 8:00 which gives me time to spend with Grant and Dasha - or get the top layer of crud wiped off the household fixtures. Then, I sneak into her room about 10:00 and feed her again while she sleeps and she normally will sleep through until about 3:00 after that. My body seems to have adjusted to the 3:00 feeds and I've learned that the Cosby Show and Home Improvement are on Nick at Night chanels during the 3:00 - 3:30 slot so I'm entertained by my favorite families while I wait for Annie to dine leisurely. When I put her back down to sleep, she normally sleeps until 6:30ish. Over the last couple of days, this has given me time to get a shower and get the big kids ready for school before she announces that she has finished sleeping for the night. Beyond this loose schedule, everything else must fall into place. Thank goodness that summer is here and we can all work toward a more cohesive schedule with benefits everyone - not just Annie!

As for Grant and Dasha... They are happy that school is out but bummed that they were born to an educator. Both kids have already received their summer reading and math schedules (thanks to mom) and have expressed their grumbles of having to do work through the summer. Oh well. They'll get over it - or they can bring it up in therapy when they're older! :) Both kids are very protective of Annie. Dahsa likes to watch from afar and offers to be the gopher and rarely crosses through Annie's direct path. We haven't forced the interactions. I think she's afraid of making the baby cry. She still doesn't really understand why the baby cries for absolutely no reason. She runs to tell us when Annie is crying and seems to ponder why we would put her in her crib and let her cry at times. Dasha's mind is always processing but she doesn't always verbalize it and still has a hard time putting English words with some of her feelings. Grant, on the other hand, drags Annie around as if she's a baby doll. He will give her a bottle and even change her diaper in cases of extreme need. Having a baby in the house has really reinforced his nurtuing spirit. I'm afraid that some of his thoughts might change once Annie becomes mobile, though, and begins to be a threat to his Legos and elaborate G.I. Joe set ups! I've told him that his Joes need to start training now for special ops missions dealing with slober and being gummed to death. He doesn't find my suggestions funny.
As for the keepers of the Oompaloompas... Eric is still working for the advertising company and gets to work out of the house. However, for the last few days, I've found him out on the deck in a lounge chair with his laptop propped next to him and his tunes going. I keep waiting to hear stains of some Jimmy Buffet song when I see him out there like that! The reality of the situation is, though, that he works an enormous number of hours each week and seems to be "on call" 24/7. I guess he deserves a Cheeseburger in Paradise moment! Though I'm finished teaching for the year, I have two more classes to finish my degree. It's been a long haul and I plan on partying in some sort of way at the end of July! It's a real bummer that teachers have to report back to school at the end of July - that puts quiet a damper on any real partying! (Ok, who am I kidding? Partying to me is a book on a quiet beach)!!!
As usual, the Randolph compound is still thriving and surviving on humor and laughter while living in chaos and baby spit up. Though the grass in the yard might be a little high and the dog hair in the carpet might be a little thick, we're all happy and enjoying this Season of our lives!
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