Where does the time go? When Annie made her entrance into the world at 5 pounds and 5 ounces, I couldn't imagine her in any way other than a snuggle bunny. (OK - I do remember ranting about the screaming and thinking thoughts that sure aren't anywhere near 'snuggle bunny.' But, just as time seems to erase labor pains, it also erases those blood curdling screams that make you want to ask the OB if there's some type of reversal procedure in which the baby can be reinstalled and wait to come out until it's potty trained and can clearly tell you what she wants)! Reality check!!! While I can still count on snuggles with Annie before bed time each night and at that 3:00 a.m. feed that she won't drop, she's getting much more independent! She has leaned to scoot by digging her toes in the floor (or your lap) and pushing off. Grant and Dasha are beginning to see that life as they have known it might just be over! Though Annie watches what brother and sister are doing very carefully, she also keeps a close eye on their toys. A few nights ago, she decided that she needed some of the brightly colored Legos that were littering the living room floor where someone's creation had exploded into zillions of pieces. It was at that point that I knew we would need to do nothing less than wrap our entire house in bubble wrap once she really gets moving! With Grant, we only put the silly little plastic covers over the outlet and put a latch on the cabinet under the sink which housed our limited supply of cleaning products (who needs too many products when you don't use them anyway - Lysol wipes can clean anything and everything)! With Annie, I do believe we may have to resort to baby gates, latches, covers, locks, and possibly barbed wire! I'm even beginning to eye Kovy's crate in a new light. Hmmm... I know there's going to come a point in the near future when a crib can't contain the mighty Annie but maybe a dog crate could. :) Just kidding - in case DFACS is reading this! Bottom line, Annie is much more active than Grant ever was and I can see that I'm going to have to be on my toes as she begins to cruise around! Even as I write this, I'm watching her via the video monitor and she has scooted herself into the corner of her bed and can't quite figure out what's going on. Hmmm... she just hasn't leaned the importance of plotting a course in which you don't run into walls or the side of the crib! She needs a good GPS! (Side note - our GPS has begun saying, "You are not on a road. You are not on a road." The kids love it)! Once again, in case DFACS happens to be reading this, the baby is not in her crib wailing or even crying. She's simply cruising around and exploring while she makes gurgling sounds which truely sound something like, "ANNNNNNEEEEEE." Miss Independent must make her nightly rounds checking her crib prior to deciding that it's time for sleep. As we're learing, as long as the mighty Annie thinks it was her idea, there will be peace in the valley! Now, if I could just convince her what a marvelous thing sleeping through the entire night would be! However, I'm still ok with her 3:00 a.m. choice since Cosby Show and Home Improvement are on Nick at Night and I can at least be entertained while she snacks! However, if she decides to wake at 2:00 a.m., it's just not convenient for me because there's nothing on except ShamWOW commercials and reruns of shows I never watched such as Married with Children and George Lopez. (As another side note, have any of you seen the smut that comes on the cartoon channels at night? It's really scary)!
Many of you have asked about our plans for the mighty Annie once school starts. Well, many of you know the little Latino lady who cleans our house, Mrs. Rita. She has five children of her own and has a heart of gold. She's always looking for extra work so we asked her to watch Annie during the day and she has agreed. There will definitely be some obstacles to overcome like her broken English and inability to drive. She also lives deep within her Hispanic culture and has some child rearing practices that make us scratch our heads! For example, just after Annie was born and cried constantly, Mrs. Rita insisted that we give Annabelle a bath with lettuce leaves in the water. She said that it would make her tummy feel better! We didn't do it but I have to admit that I was close to trying anything! I did succumb to giving her a bottle of diluted Chamomile and peppermint tea at one point, though, per Rita's instructions. I do believe it helped with her tummy. I know the leftovers sure helped settle my nerves! However, the benefit of having Annie stay at home with one on one care is priceless to us. Since Eric works out of the house, he will also be able to spend more time with Annie, too. I think the real deal sealer came when Mrs. Rita told Eric that she would contine to cook (she cooks authentic Mexican like she's making something as routine as mac n cheese) and clean. What a blessing she has been and will be to our family!
Now that the princess has finished her royal nightly tour of her crib and has settled down with her little blankey and is sleeping peacefully, I'm going to work on my own classwork! Three more weeks and I can scratch all of that paper writing and reading off of my "to do" list! Good night!