OK, OK... I don't have any idea what day it is. I now use feeding times to mark my hours instead of my day planner. I'm exhausted but content. I have so many thoughts about what it's like to have a new healthy baby to cherish after losing a child but I'll save those memoirs for a day when I'm a bit more sane! Nonetheless, we are still adjusting to life with a newborn (4 weeks tomorrow), a very proud nine year old brother, and an eleven year old who is still trying to figure this all out. Dasha's wonderment has added a whole new level to this new Season in our lives, as well. Since she spent her early years in an orphanage, she has never been around babies. She's still amused at the whole idea of pooping in a diaper, burping (legally and purposefully), and screaming until you get what your little heart desires! I'll update the blog more as I begin to regain the brain cells which have gone dormant due to lack of sleep! (I can't wait to finish the huge paper that I have due on Sunday. That should be really interesting to write and try to maintain any semblance of higher thought processes)!!! Good night! That being said, Annie will be ready to eat in exactly 40 minutes. That's time enough for a quick cat nap!
PS - I'd like to meet the idiot who coined the phrase, "Sleeps like a baby." This person obviously never had a baby!
1 comment:
Oh she is just beautiful! Good thing they are so cute when they are little or I'm not sure if any of us would have survived to adult hood! I can't wait to hold her and see you all again! We too celebrate the miracle that Annie is, there are just not enough words. Hope the paper goes good and that you can get some rest. Isn't it Eric's shift? hehe
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