Although the baby still doesn't have a name, she does have a room now thanks to Eric's work this weekend! I'm 34 weeks now and we're hoping to get to 36 or 37 weeks before little Bean makes her appearance. The doctors are watching my placenta for "maturity" (the only part of me that has reached that state) and my blood pressure. She's about five pounds now so we're hopeful that she can hold her own in the "real world" if the doctors need to hasten her arrival. Now that the nursery is ready, I think we have everything we need except for a name. I've heard about families auctioning naming rites on eBay for lots of money. I'm wondering if we should do that and add the money to the kids' counseling funds (we've given up college funds for counseling funds)! :)
1 comment:
Oh wow, it's hard to believe you are alrighty 34 weeks! I know you must be ready for her to come yet wanted her to be healthy and strong. We had the same feelings with Faith coming. I'm thankful I was able tp go at least 36 weeks. That is so exciting! Can't wait to meet her!!!
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