Yes, it's a school night. Yes, the game started at 7:00 and won't end until 10:00 (at least). Yes, Eric has both kids at the game. Yes, they're probably freezing cold. Yes, it will be 11:00 by the time they get into bed. And, yes, they have to be out of the house no later than 6:30 a.m. tomorrow. Yes, I'm home alone! Anyone see my justification?
You can only be a kid once and once the baby comes, we'll have to curtail these types of ridiculous activities for a while (maybe). As a teacher, I detest parents who pull these types of stunts and let their kids stay up until outrageous hours. But, hey, I don't have to teach my own kids tomorrow! I get to be the hated parent! :) These days are fleeting that we have with our kids and get to enjoy their excitement so why not take full advantage! (I just really didn't want to break Eric's little heart and tell him that he couldn't go - and I sure knew I couldn't send him unattended)!
Meanwhile, it's 8:30 and I'm headed to bed with a good book! Thrashers tickets for one adult and two kids = too much to worry about. A quiet night alone with a good book = priceless! Goodnight!
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