We had a blast this weekend at our annual Burt's Farm trip! Every year for at least the past ten years, we've gone to Dawsonville, Georgia to Burt's Pumpkin Farm. This place is a major tourist attraction but it's worth fighting the crowds to expereince a real hay ride and hunt through zillions of pumpkins to find just the right one - all while smelling cinnamon and cloves drifting from the little farmhouse where they make all sorts of Fall favorites! This year, we actually spent more time in line waiting for the hay ride than we did looking for pumpkins - that's a record! Nonetheless, the kids love the trip and then desert me when it's time to gut the pumpkins and make the magical transformation into jack-o-lanterns!
As for the third little Randolph (a.k.a. "The Bean"), things are going well. We're beginning to wonder if the doctors can go ahead and make a diagnosis of ADHD while still in the womb! In all of our ultrasounds, this little person has been jumping around like a Mexican Jumping Bean! Yikes! We'll get to find out if this new addition is a girl or boy on 10/23. We hope it will uncross it's legs. During the last ultrasound, its legs were tightly crossed. Eric got a little too excited when he thought the leg bone was... well... he thought he had identified a little boy! Gees! Dasha and Grant have had alternating opions about wanting a boy or girl. As for Eric and I, we'll be thrilled with a healthy baby! I'm doing everything I can right now to ensure the health of "The Bean" and myself though my diabetes is NOT cooperating! I've been taking many shots of insulin each day and I can't seem to figure out the rules of this dosing game! What works one day plumets my blood sugar into oblivion and might not have any effect the next day. As a perfectionist, this is not my idea of fun at all! Just give me the rules and I'll be glad to comply! Well, this sure doesn't work that way! At this point, I'm seeing my regular OB, a perinatologist, and an endocrinologist! In the last 15 weeks, I've seen more doctors than I'd care to see in a life time!!! Oh well. Like I said, we'll do whatever we need to do to ensure this little one's health. As for the Pompe's risk, we decided to wait until after the delivery to test for the disease. Eric and I both have perfect peace that this little miracle Bean was a gift from God and we'll accept whatever direction God might lead us in. Most people (especially the medical community) look down on our "uneducated" decision. However, they just don't know how educated we are!!!
Just continue to keep us in your prayers. With Eric's traveling, the kid's active schedules, my frequent doctor's appointments, my job, and my school (full time courses this semester), we're really having to micromanage our resources of time and patience! This is simply the Season we're in right now and I know the next Season might be even more hectic! I'll update with our news of a princess or prince on 10/23 - barring any leg bone disasters in which Eric tries to read the ultrasound himself!
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