Anyway, Dasha had the opportunity to "compete" in the Summer Games at Phillips Arena. She loved it! There were Thrashers characters, Hawks characters, and and general characters (including Dasha and Eric).
All of the participants were rehab (PT, OT, etc.) patients at CHOA. The kids got to work at different stations and
participate in crafts, sports events, and character meet and greets. I think Dasha's favorite part was getting her picture made with the Hawks girls, though. She is suddenly into anything (and everything) fashion related. We all know that doesn't mesh with my biological make up so I'm really struggling! If it's not jeans and t-shirts, I'm lost! Anyway, she had a blast and Eric came home only a little shell-shocked about the pom-poms!

Just FYI - The lady in this picture with Dasha is her physical therapist. She has worked with Dasha once or twice a week since the heel cord surgery. This lady has been such a blessing. She operates as mom, therapist (for mom and Dasah), motivation coach, and CP guru! I don't know what we'd do without her!
Well, tomorrow is the kids' first day back at school. Dasha, as usual, is excited to go and just knows that everyone will love her! Grant, as usual, is anxious and wants to know the details of the day as soon as possible. Me, well, the first day is simply crowd control. I really think the county should begin changing our pay scale to reflect combat pay for the first week of school, the week prior to Christmas break, and the last week of school. Oh well! Let the fun begin! (Eric is thrilled that we're all going back so he can have the house to himself again)!
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