I can hardly believe that tomorrow will mark seven years since Ansley was called Home. Oh how time changes things! Every year I look back and still find myself in awe of all of the people and talents that were orchestrated to pull our family through!
With Grant (the first child) I was always so preoccupied with doing things just like the book said to do them! I was terrified of ruining him! (Go ahead and comment, even with the books, he still has his moments)! Then Ansley came along and there weren't any books available about how to deal with her! She was a complete diva! Then, there was Dasha. We all know that no author has undertaken writing a book about how to raise her! If someone did write one, they'd have to file it under "fiction" because it wouldn't be true! So, I really haven't had the opportunity to just have fun with any of my kids during those early years - until Annie. I don't think I've even read a book about what to do or not to do with Annie. I may regret that in a few years but for now, we're just enjoying her and having fun. That being said, having all of this fun with Annie makes me really miss Ansley more than ever! What fun it would have been to have two little girls running around squealing and demanding that the world revolve around them! I know Grant would really beg to differ but underneath all of his remorse about dealing with a house full of women, he loves being the "Man of the House!"
Seven years ago, if you'd told me what my life would look like in the next few years, I probably would have laughed at you hysterically! Adopting a special needs child from Russia and having another baby wouldn't have been anywhere on MY list. I certainly would have never thought that two superstar actors would have made a movie about Ansley's rare disease, either! However, we all know that God, in His wisdom, orchestrates quite a symphony of events which hopefully all go together to make a beautiful noise! Right now, I'd have to say that we're still in the "tuning" stage and we've got quite a bit of squeaking and squawking going on but we're on the track to at least getting the notes right!
Who knows where we'll be in the next few years. As always, we'll be waiting patiently to see what's next! But for now, we'll remember Ansley Jaye for the red-headed diva and charmer that she was!