Yeah, she learned to walk. Yeah, she has mastered climbing anything that looks perilous. Yeah, she can even use a few words to command the whole house! But absolutely nothing compared to her delight at watching the snow fall! She only got to spend a few minutes out in the white stuff but she spent quite a bit of time banging on the back door as the dogs and kids all played! As she was expressing her excitement over something as simply as a few snowflakes, I wondered, "Why can't I let go of all of the STUFF and just show the same excitement over the little things in life?" Hmmm...
Here's a list of things that I've decided to "let go of" over the last few days.
1) I will color with my children happily at the table even though the coloring book is stuck to the table in the remains of someone's spilled oatmeal from breakfast.
2) I will build forts with the couch cushions without worrying about Annie eating all of the unidentified crumbs which were underneath!
3) I will build snowmen in the backyard and not worry about why parts of the snow are yellow and who shoveled the dog poo last.
4) I will kick the ball down the aisle in Target and watch all three kids scream and laugh hysterically. If I have to buy the ball (or half of the store due to my crappy kicking skills), I will. Their laughter is priceless - especially when we're in public and others can see our insanity!
5) And finally, I won't worry that my email and voice mail boxes are full. I am spending guilt free time playing with my kids! (If you've called and I haven't returned your call, I'm probably hiding underneath the fort eating Cheerios and Cheetos from last year while peeking out to see if the kids have found me yet)!
Everyone ought to try having a guilt-free fun day without worrying about lesson plans to be made, clothes to be washed, or children to clean up after. It is very freeing! Who says family therapy needs to be pricey? A few couch cushions, crayons, and a wayward ball down the aisle of Target cure many ails!